Are you a parent who is tired of hearing your child described as having O.D.D., A.D.H.D., O.C.D., Bipolar Disorder, or some other psychiatric diagnosis but is offered precious little in the way of tools you or your child can use to reduce their symptoms and improve their lives?

Have you found well meaning therapists who can describe your child’s symptoms but have not given you practical, hands on methods to assist your child?

Have you found child psychiatrists who are all too ready to throw medication at a problem without offering ways to help your child learn to manage their emotions (a “pills without skills” philosophy)?

Do you have a child who is achievement oriented but becomes overwhelmed with anxiety whenever they’re asked to perform?

Have you been looking for a “toolbox” of skills that could be considered when looking at your child’s struggles from a broad perspective?

As a 22 year veteran of school psychology and a family therapist for almost two decades, I have seen thousands of parents who may have an understanding of their child’s problems but have not found any place to refer to that offers them a host of interventions to be considered based on their child’s unique needs. I have seen countless parents struggle with the fear of how their child is going to function once they get out into the real world where “accommodations” may be minimal, at best and knowing how to communicate and interact with others is as important a skill as having an M.B.A.

Any “psychological” problem needs a multi-focused approach in order to be as efficient and helpful as possible. Your child may need a variety of interventions such as medication, school intervention, cognitive “rethinking” techniques that require practice, physiological anxiety reducing skills such as mindfulness meditation and acupressure, and family coaching to assist moms and dads to be less reactive and more proactive during those stressful times. After listening to literally thousands of worried parents, I have developed this website for just that purpose. I will provide you with a variety of skills sets that I describe in some detail and outline when and how they might be used. I will teach you how to empower yourself and your child, thereby making them more emotionally intelligent and in charge of their lives.