ADD and Marriage

Given the times we live in, it’s sometimes a wonder that everyone’s marriage (or relationship) doesn’t fall apart. The pressures on our children, financial stressors, and being “overscheduled” is enough to do any relationship in. Add to this a partner who may be experiencing Adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) and the chances for conflict increase exponentially.

ADD can have impact on a marriage in a number of ways that can damage and ultimately destroy it unless the family chooses to get help. In my practice, I have often treated children and adolescents with ADD only to find that one or both parents also have this condition making it extremely challenging to parent and support one another effectively.

If you’ve read this far then you have likely observed signs that ADD is affecting your marriage. You may be feeling frustrated, exasperated, and worried. You may be at the breaking point and thinking that you might need to get out.

I’ve prepared a brief (7 question) Marital Stress Survey to help couples determine the impact that ADD may be having on their marriage.

Download the free survey (in PDF form) by right-clicking with your mouse on the link below.

If, as a result of completing the survey, you sense that your marriage would benefit from consulting with an expert in both ADD and martial discord, call me today at 609-275-8808 to schedule a complimentary 20-minute conversation. In this free consultation, we will discuss the results of your Marital Stress survey and explore practical steps you can take to transform the state of your relationship in a very short time.